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The Names of the Lord

By Rev. Janice Davis Steele
You can come to know God in a more intimate way as you receive progressive revelation of who He is. One way God reveals Himself to us is through His name. God is described in many ways in the Word of God to give us a deeper appreciation for who He is. This study consists of a compilation of a few of the names of God. Study these names and the corresponding scripture references. As you do, you will receive increased revelation of God. This will help enable you to lift up and praise His holy name. His name is above every name (Philipppians 2:9-10).

The Names of the lord

(Note:  This list is not intended to be exhaustive)


1.                 Jehovah jireh - The Lord's provision shall be seen (Gen. 22:13-14).


2.                 Jehovah rapha/rophe/ROPHEKA - The Lord heals.  By the stripes of Jesus, He heals, purges, delivers, and restores me to wholeness (Ex. 15:26)


3.                 jehova m'kaddesh/mekaddishkem - The Lord who sanctifies.  He sets me apart from evil and sets me apart unto Himself for His divine purposes (Ex. 31:13; Lev. 20:7-8; 21:8; 22:9, 16, 32; Eze. 20:12).


4.                 Jehovah shalom - The Lord is my peace (wholeness, prosperity, healing, everything entire) (Jud. 6:24; Phil. 4:7).


5.                 Jehovah tsidkenu - The Lord my righteousness (Jer. 23:5-6).


6.                 Jehovah rohi/ROI -The Lord is my shepherd.  He leads me to the place of blessing  (Ps. 23:1).


7.                 Jehovah nissi -The Lord is my banner.  He gives me victory over the enemy and causes me to triumph in warfare (Ex. 17:15).


8.                 Jehovah shammah - The Lord is there in a way that will astonish.  Wherever you are commissioned to go by God, know and be convinced that God is already there  (Ezek. 48:35)!


9.                 JEHOVAH-TSEBAHOTH/SABAOTH - The Lord of hosts.  The Lord is commander and chief of all the heavenly hosts (Rom. 9:29; James 5:4; 1 Sam. 1:3).


10.            Jehovah Hoseenu - The Lord our maker (Ps. 95:6).


11.            Jehovah elohim - The Lord our creator (Ps. Gen. 2:4).


12.            elohim - Almighty, all powerful God, who brings into being things that are not seen to things which do appear.  (Gen. 1:1).


13.            ADONAI-JEHOVAH - The Lord our sovereign, or master Jehovah. (Gen. 15:2,8).


14.            Jehovah Elyon - The Lord most high (Ps. 7:17; 47:2; 97:9).


15.            El ElYon - The God Most High (Gen. 14:20).


16.             Elshaddai -The All-Mighty, All-Powerful, All-Sufficient and Only True God.  All-in-All.  The God of plenty. (Gen. 17:1; Col. 3:11).

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