The Names of the lord
(Note: This list is not intended to be exhaustive)
1. Jehovah jireh - The Lord's provision shall be seen (Gen. 22:13-14).
2. Jehovah rapha/rophe/ROPHEKA - The Lord heals. By the stripes of Jesus, He heals, purges, delivers, and restores me to wholeness (Ex. 15:26)
3. jehova m'kaddesh/mekaddishkem - The Lord who sanctifies. He sets me apart from evil and sets me apart unto Himself for His divine purposes (Ex. 31:13; Lev. 20:7-8; 21:8; 22:9, 16, 32; Eze. 20:12).
4. Jehovah shalom - The Lord is my peace (wholeness, prosperity, healing, everything entire) (Jud. 6:24; Phil. 4:7).
5. Jehovah tsidkenu - The Lord my righteousness (Jer. 23:5-6).
6. Jehovah rohi/ROI -The Lord is my shepherd. He leads me to the place of blessing (Ps. 23:1).
7. Jehovah nissi -The Lord is my banner. He gives me victory over the enemy and causes me to triumph in warfare (Ex. 17:15).
8. Jehovah shammah - The Lord is there in a way that will astonish. Wherever you are commissioned to go by God, know and be convinced that God is already there (Ezek. 48:35)!
9. JEHOVAH-TSEBAHOTH/SABAOTH - The Lord of hosts. The Lord is commander and chief of all the heavenly hosts (Rom. 9:29; James 5:4; 1 Sam. 1:3).
10. Jehovah Hoseenu - The Lord our maker (Ps. 95:6).
11. Jehovah elohim - The Lord our creator (Ps. Gen. 2:4).
12. elohim - Almighty, all powerful God, who brings into being things that are not seen to things which do appear. (Gen. 1:1).
13. ADONAI-JEHOVAH - The Lord our sovereign, or master Jehovah. (Gen. 15:2,8).
14. Jehovah Elyon - The Lord most high (Ps. 7:17; 47:2; 97:9).
15. El ElYon - The God Most High (Gen. 14:20).
16. Elshaddai -The All-Mighty, All-Powerful, All-Sufficient and Only True God. All-in-All. The God of plenty. (Gen. 17:1; Col. 3:11).